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What is Vedic Mathematics

Vedic Mathematics is a branch of Mathematics which teaches pattern-observation and faster calculations. It is based on 16 Sanskrit Sutras (aphorisms or word-formulae) using which numerical calculations can be done faster than the conventional methods that are taught in schools.


History of Vedic Mathematics

The author of Vedic Mathematics, Swami Bharati Krishna Tirthaji, was born to highly learned and pious parents in the year 1884 in Tirunelveli (Tamil Nadu, India). Venkataraman (his earlier name before initiation into the Sanyasa order) was an exceptionally brilliant boy right from his school days. He always ..


Why Vedic Mathematics

Mathematics involves Thinking. Students try to learn whatever is taught to them in school but are find it difficult to solve a problem that is not taught to them. It's because, they are taught to Learn but not to Think.

